Venetian Cluster
VHC is the only productive cluster of cultural and environmental heritage in Italy: it coordinates 800 enterprises and 24 bodies such as Universities, research centers, public bodies, and laboratories in Italy and it collaborates with around 2,000 partners internationally. Its main goal is to develop the productive supply chain for the valorization of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage (also by tourism development), through the implementation of national and international projects about innovation, technological transfer, internationalisation and training, fostering multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation among SMEs, professionals, associations, public and private bodies and research institutes. VHC has realized 90 innovations, policy and research projects for a total budget of more than 50 Million Euro. VHC is recognized by the Veneto Regional Government as founder of the Regional Innovation Network “Venetian Innovation Cluster for Innovation in Cultural and Environmental Heritage” under the RIS3 sector Creative Industries. VHC is based in the Veneto Region, the fifth most touristic region in the EU.