Company Description:
"The entity ""Desarrollo Tecnologico Rural"" (Rural technology development), tries to bring new oportunities to rural areas thanks to the TICs insdutry. The final objetive is to make it easier to people that want to live in rural areas working in the TICs industry. Rural areas in Spain live mostly from turism, that is why we have some products for SMEs placed in rural areas. Our main product is a web app for rural houses that helps owners to have more bookings and reduce the time that the owner of a rural house invest in explaining activities around, etc to the guests. Example of the product: We also make publicity campaings to comapnies that need more visibility or web development to new businesess or businesess that want to start having online presence. "
Services Description:
"Some of our services are already implemented in the tourism sector but mostly in rural areas. The product ""Menuto"" (the product we sell to rural houses) is a prodcut created specifically to to tourism sector, we have started offering the product to small hotels and campings. We believe that web development is easy to implement in the tourism sector. To have a website is basic in our days to have more visibility and trust from clients."