Company Description:
"Glibl is a French Strart up created early 2021. We provide a solution of 100% digital business card with a mobile and Web Application. It is a business communication tool. It permit to share limitless a business card connected to every informations (phone, website, adress, mail, social networks, booking plateform, etc). The card is share with a Code Qr or a link, and retrieved as a real card with the business identity (logo, color, etc). Glibl is a growing users community echanging they're card, sharing limitless with other users or not users. The business paper card is usually lost within about 3 days, mainly in tourism sector. With Glibl, the card is retrieved permanently and never lost. We create a strong link beetween a business and its client. It is a solution helping to reduce the paper printed and to accelerate the sector transition. Main features are free (create the card, personalize, share limitless) to guaranty constant growing user community and visibility. We have some paying option for important businesses to manage many collaborators business cards."
Services Description:
"Glibl is already uses by many tourism actor. Our solution permit to connect the physic (shop window, restaurant table, hotel room, printed communication) to the digital informations (social network, booking plateform). Instead of having static paper card with only phone number, adress and website without dynamic use, Glibl permit to share digital, dynamic business card to bring more visibility and a stronger link beetween a business to its client. We already bring our solution to many actors thanks to a partnership with the french CCI. "