Company Description:
"The KAO integrated information system is designed and developed as a single platform for document management, internal ERP system, financial flows, communication and servicing of individuals. KAO is a tool for achieving the following strategic goals: • consolidates all financial flows into a common system • provides the possibility of automatic accounting of all operations •automates document and register creation activities • automates customer service activities • provides an WEB portal for contact with individuals and legal entities. "
Services Description:
"GROUP OF FUNCTIONALITIES ""MANAGEMENT OF DOCUMENT FLOW AND SERVICES"" The module provides all functionalities related to registering and managing documents and applications for services, making payments for services and retrieving reference information about the provided business processes. Functionalities implement: 1. Document flow management 2. Payment Management GROUP OF FUNCTIONALITIES ""MANAGEMENT OF RESERVATIONS"" 1. Entering reservation data 2. Reflection and management of threat data, at the customer's location, by bank transfer and through VPOS from the WEB portal. 3. Register of objects and rooms and their occupancy in time intervals. 4. Register of visitors. 5. WEB reference for available rooms. 6. Feedback from customers, via WEB portal. GROUP OF FUNCTIONALITIES ""LABOR AND SALARY"" Functionalities are provided that cover business processes related to personnel, labor and salary, data export to external organizations and management of civil contracts. There are opportunities for its development in the Human Resources department. Functionalities include: 1. Personnel 2. Labor and wages 3. Export data - Liaison with the National Revenue Agency according to Declaration No. 1; - Liaison with the National Revenue Agency according to Declaration No. 6; - Connection with banks - possibility of cashless transfer of salaries, loans, insurance and other types of payments to employees; o Generation of recapitulations by payment pens and by paragraphs to the NRA; 4. Civil contracts. GROUP OF FUNCTIONALITIES ""ACCOUNTING"" The functionalities related to accounting, report and inquiries, configuration of accounts and signs, generation of cash and bank payments are provided. Functionalities include: - Accounting of primary accounting documents; - Creation and generation of accounting documents; - Processing of accounting and financial documents; - Creation of deep analytics for accounts; - Generating files to the National Revenue Agency; - Generating reports; - Preparing reports. GROUP OF FUNCTIONALITIES ""ELECTRONIC ARCHIVE"" Functionalities related to processing, storage, search and display of information for scanned large volumes of documents (files, projects related to the organization of the territory and others) are provided. The possibility of integration with a group of management functions and services is provided. Functionalities implement: 1. Registration of documents 2. Search for documents 3. Simultaneous editing of a group of documents 4. Group creation of documents ""WEB Portal"" Functionalities related to requesting services from service users and receiving up-to-date information on the status and actions of a requested service, as well as other information from certain information arrays, are provided. Make booking, tracking, feedback and payment, through VPOS. The portal provides opportunities for: - Creation, maintenance, updating of registers with public information for services selected by the organization; - Provision of Internet access to the created registers; - Implementation of an online form for receiving inquiries and sending answers; - Tracking of requested services and submitted documents by identification number; o Authorized access to information from certain information arrays concerning a specific individual or legal entity; - Choice of services for requesting them electronically; - Access to up-to-date information on the status and actions of a requested service/reservation; - Track the status of the request and its deadline; - Obtaining a result of the requested service; - All the user's relationships with the relevant organization are visible on the site; - The site has an internal portal for communication with the relevant organization. "