ADI N-A set-up its second inspirational event concerning the call for proposals of the DIGITOUR project on 29 September 2022
Upon the 29th of September 2022, ADI N-A has set-up its second inspirational event concerning the call for proposals of the DIGITOUR project. The registered companies were mainly from the tourism sector. Nevertheless, the event gathered digital SMEs, too. The purpose of the event was to inform all the stakeholders specialised in touristic and digital activities about the multiple opportunities offered by the DIGITOUR project to our local environment of tourism and digital SMEs. The individual and the collaborative voucher were presented by the project team. According to a survey more than two thirds of the audience have a direct interest in applying for the one of the two vouchers. The numerous coaching services provided by the DIGITOUR team as well as the matchmaking platform have been exposed. The importance of international collaboration has been also underpinned.
Thanks to this well-attended inspirational event, gathering more than twenty registered participants, ADI N-A could promote the opportunities of the DIGITOUR call for proposals to a large audience of SMEs, all eligible to present an application.
Thanks to this event, ADI N-A has identified even more potential candidates for both vouchers and has been also spotted by them as the advisory organisation in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région for assisting the in their projects’ set-up.