Venetian Cluster held an Inspiration and Information Event on 10th of October 2022
On the 10th of October 2022 Venetian Cluster held the physical event entitled: “European Funding Day: The European and Cluster Model for Business Development. The Regional Innovative Networks – Venetian Innovation Cluster and SMARTLAND.” The event was meant to address small and medium-sized enterprises in the Italian national territory and took place at Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, on October 10, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Hall. The participation to the event was available in presence and online: 1- online participation enabled far-away based enterprises to participate by registering at the following link Zoom* 2- on the other hand, businesses that participated in attendance, were welcomed on-site, and benefited of free access to the fair that was taking place at Fiere Dolomiti – (Expo Dolomiti HoReCa Fair). Moreover, on the very same day of the event, the Horeca Fair participants were allowed to attend the event by registering themselves on-site.
During the event, Venetian Cluster’s Director Sergio Calò gave an overview on the opportunities for funds available to enterprises through European projects awarded to Venetian Cluster for Cultural and Environmental Heritage, an important reality of the Veneto region and the Regional Innovative Network. Thus, real examples such as DIGITOUR, FRIEND CCI, and EU RURAL TOURISM projects were discussed to enable attendees to understand the context in which the “Digitour’s vouchers” were allocated. In the second part of the event, the financing through vouchers of the DIGITOUR project for tourism, cultural and creative and ICT enterprises was presented. The different vouchers of €1,000.00 and €20,000.00, and the modalities and applications for participation were explained.
The event agenda was: at 4 p.m.: Institutional greetings – President Longarone Fiere Dolomiti Gian Angelo Bellati, at 4:20 p.m.: European funding for businesses Sergio Calò project manager – Venetian Cluster, at 4:40 p.m.: SMARTLAND – Smart Destinations in the Land of Venice Edi Sommariva cluster manager and at 5 p.m.: DIGITOUR _ Voucher presentation – Sergio Calò project manager DIGITOUR – Venetian Cluster.
The event was attended by 5 company representatives in attendance, and 22 companies online. The participants were active and proactive as they asked many questions and gave examples referring to their realities.