ADI N-A is the development and innovation agency of France’s biggest Region: Nouvelle-Aquitaine. It counts around 80 collaborators working on six sites spread over a territory of 84 036 km² (as big as Austria). ADI N-A has three strategic missions, each of which is respectively attached to a main division:
- to provide direct and deep business support to local companies, especially SMEs. For instance, it supports businesses in their digital transition/transformation, their innovation capacity building (e.g., Horizon 2020 funded MAGIC project), innovation support via dedicated programmes as “Factory of the Future” (4.0 Industry), etc.
- to work altogether with the local territories to attract inward investors and to bring together the different regional actors in a perspective of territorial innovation.
- to support emerging and highly innovative regional sectors, through support and guidance of stakeholders (SMEs, academies, research centres, etc.). In this context the following subjects are strongly addressed: energetic and environmental transitions (hydrogen, blue growth, etc.), digital transitions (artificial intelligence, internet of things, ICT, etc.) and social transitions (e-health, silver economy, innovation in sports and tourism). Tourism is a strategic field for
the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, because of its hotspots for coastal (Biarritz, Arcachon, Lacanau, La Rochelle) and mountainous (Pyrenees) tourism. Therefore, “TourismeLab” was launched and integrated into ADI N-A. Its main task is to support tourism professionals (focus on SMEs) in the process of innovation and experimentation within the territories and their digital transformation.