The third transnational meeting with a Steering Committee was held in Zaragoza, Spain on 3-4 April 2023 in the frame of Digitour Project
The third transnational meeting of the Digitour consortium partners was held in Zaragoza, Spain on 3-4 April 2023 in the frame of Digitour Project. The ongoing activities of the project were being reported. There was a third Steering Committee Meeting organised as well. The consortium discussed the past and future actions that need to be taken under the different work packages:
- WP1: Management and coordination
- WP3: Support to SMEs
- WP4 Impact monitoring and sustainability
- WP5 – Communication & Dissemination
Attending partners: TSAC, IDiA, ITALCAM, ADI N-A, Cluster of Cultural Routes, Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, Venetian Cluster, Veritas (online), Aarhus University (online) , BizGarden (online)
Final decisions and next steps:
- Submission of the technical Report
- Next Transnational Project Meeting: It is suggested by Veritas to combine the Final event with the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting in Bulgaria, to create a special event in September, in which de EU Commission would participate. Details will be further given to agree on it.
- It was suggested to hold a session to share the experiences of each member with their Voucher 2 (perhaps at the Bulgaria meeting). Short abstract of the Project – Veritas will send what needs to be included. (Beneficiaries, objectives and brief description)
- Pending number of inspirational events to be held
- It was suggested to cover 3 Voucher 2 projects (€60,000) with the remainder of Voucher 1:
- Vivencial Tourism SL
- Cross Evaluation – Pairs of evaluators to make an average once eligibility criteria are checked. 2 Steps: First: Eligibility Criteria, Second: Other 2 countries. The English translation must correspond to the country of origin. 2 days after 30/04/23 all applications translated. Tentative starting date for voucher 1. Wait until 30th April´s officer answers, although we can start checking the submitted proposals.
- The tool that Bizgarden has being developing for the Digital Maturity Assessment of the SMEs participating in Digitour project was presented
- Tutoring and mentoring protocol will be explained shortly by ADI-N-A in specific training sessions to the consortia partners
- Advertising for companies that are executing Voucher 2.