The second transnational meeting with a Steering Committee was held in Munich on 17-18 November 2022 in the frame of Digitour Project
The second transnational meeting of the Digitour consortium partners was held in Munich on 17-18 November 2022 in the frame of Digitour Project. The ongoing activities of the project were being reported. There was a second Steering Committee organised as well. The consortium discussed the past and future actions that need to be taken under the different work packages:
- WP1: Management and coordination
- WP3: Support to SMEs
- WP4 Impact monitoring and sustainability
- Initial assessment of SME digital readiness
- Monitoring & final evaluation: Impact on SMEs and recommendations for SMEs
- Networking and building of Private-Public partnerships at regional and transnational level
- WP5 – Communication & Dissemination
It was reported that both calls for Voucher 1 and Voucher 2 were being launched as well as the Call for the Digital Providers.
Attending partners: Venetian Cluster, LONGARONE FIERE S.r.l., BIZGARDEN SRO, CLUSTER TURISMO SOSTENIBLE DE ARAGON, ASOCIACION INVESTIGACION, DESARROLLO E INNOVACION EN ARAGON, Cluster of Cultural Routes, Consulting Cluster Veritas ltd, Italienische Handelskammer Munchen-Stuttgart/Camera di Commercio Italo-Tedesca, AGENCE DE DEVELOPPEMENT ET D’INNOVATION AQUITAINE LIMOUSIN POITOU- CHARENTES.
Final decisions and next steps:
- Guidelines for SMEs evaluation to be shared by the Evaluation Committee chairman (Transparency. Funding decisions will be based on clearly described rules and procedures, and all applicants will receive adequate feedback on the outcome of the evaluation of their proposals)
- Prepare the financial report template for awarded tourism SMEs
- Prepare the Partnership Agreement: applicants will establish and sign a Partnership Agreement, an internal document, stating the partners’ roles (the responsible and others) and parameters for payments, contributions and IPR (Voucher 2). Deliverable D3.9 Signed Agreements with SMEs
- Prepare the Grant Agreement: each beneficiary and each DIGITOUR partner (funding entity) will sign a bilateral specific agreement; by signing this agreement, the beneficiaries agree and accept the financial support and will implement its activities under their own responsibility, following the agreement’s conditions and obligations. For Voucher 2, the applicant/coordinator applying for and receiving the voucher will be responsible for the implementation of the project and related financial reports and this same applicant/coordinator will receive the funding and distribute it to the other participants.
- Two rounds of evaluation for Voucher 1 – Evaluation Committee (months 3 & 6 after the opening of the Call; i.e., beginning of Jan and beginning of April); while, for voucher 2 there will be one single evaluation, 2 months after the opening of the Call.
- Prepare the Digital providers’ Declaration: For those partners who are planning to translate it into their own languages, they shall keep the English version as well; thus, you can either create 2 columns on the same sheet or, 2 paragraphs one under the other; Send the declaration doc to digital providers as attachment upon selection by the tourism SMEs.
- Prepare the Interim periodic report (by Month 18; i.e., April 2023) and set an internal further report deadline for document preparation (between January and February).
Download the presentations here